Feb 14, 2006 13:59
Ok, I was reading these Journal comments Eli Emily and I wrote a long time ago, and It made me happy (Im going to paste them now)
Eli: i'm sure pounce was only fun cuz i was not there to beat you at it (;......ok mabey it was fun cuz i was not there to bless the game with my lazer (yes Eli we remember the lazer!)
Me: Eli you could bless the game without the lazer.
you are just that fun ..........its like Emily hase ""fat air"".....you have """blessed Air""""" I think you both have a little blessed air lolololol.
Eli you are just to cool for words......thats why im going to "think" about how cool you are.
Your awsome.
good thing your not a girl (I dont know what that means now.... lol)
Love John
PS: when are you going to send me one of those pens
Emily: you know i'm kinda mad that you didn't wake me up, since you were here and all.. but maybe thats just not how nijas do...
i love you too john, i wish we lived closer like REALLY! i think we would be the best of friend if we had the opertunity.
don't get snuck!
Me again: lol well mabey not but.
sorry about not waking you up....""sigh"" .....you look so peacefull in your sleep!
Hey and by the way......that top 10 list me and Eli sent you......I tested all those out so they should all work.....(even the upside down on the shower cirten)
so dont feal afraid to use them any time>
I think the reason we are seperated is........no one would play pounce any more......just to much skill in one place. if i can win with just any ol person.......we would be un-beatable.(and are)
I just added another gole for my """"do this in your life John"""list
ITS: Become Best of friends with Emily Wolf
Man i miss you
Love John
Ok, Emily, if you could find that top 10 list we gave you that would be awesome junk! I would love that.
I miss you guys!