Feb 01, 2006 23:46
let me tell you somthing, Eli, your killing me (for all of you that were not in our conversation, let me give you the jist of it, Eli: "oh man John, your missing some awesome snowboarding, I wish you were here")
ok so thats all I can remember, but after he hung up, I found myself weeping and balling my eyes out like a baby...*sniff sniff* I love snowboarding... ok maybe I didnt ball, but I feel pritty crapy that I cant take some of those sweet jumps with you Eli, I really do.
EMILY! I called you sunday, over and over and over again to thank you, but I only found myself weeping and balling my eyes out like a baby... hehehe I like that line tonight. I think that if everyone in the world got a coconut in the mail at the same time, I would have been the hapiest out of all of them! (thank you)
Im trying to think of somthing really funny that happend to me that I can write about (like helping the retarded guy get out of the woman's bathroom stall uside down) but nuthing is comming close to that... so I gues Ill just give you a little update.
Mat (a friend), Evan (my little brother) and myself have started a band... yes and its awesome fun, mostly Jazz stuff... (and if you dont like jazz, I dont really care, because it totaly rocks when your playing it) and I found out that I can still flipp off trees, play hacky sack, and fail at breakdancing... I havent changed much if you really cared to know.
Im sick, and I still have a wonderful headache that so far, has stayed with me for 4 days... I wonder, what did I do to my head to have it hate me so... now that you know Im in pain, listen to me vent about somthing. and Beth if its going to bother you, then dont read it, its about the south... sortof
Does anyone remember the time (NY people help me out here) that we could have frindships without people pointing fingers and making things weird on us? its like, you sit next to someone twice in a row, and they start trying to find out about this new couople, because they obveosly like eacher, (I like alot of people, cant I hang out with friends without boyfrind girlfriend crap!)
I mean even my little brother Daniel has to wory about this stuff, how are you suposed to get a good close friendship with more then one persone when its like that. ok lets say you do spend most of your time with one person, if you go into the "boyfirnd girlfriend" thing when your so young, no doubt someone is going to get there fielings hurt, or things will just be weird. It just messes things up. if I want to get a girl friend, then let me get a girlfriend without gosip and people pushing it all the time (oh and by the way, I do not have a girl friend, so that is not the point of this venting)
is that understandable?
I would like to thank my Bassist for counceling me in this matter
I love you all,
John Manning