... and we've already gotten into a fight (surprised?). But we vanquished our foes and none of us are dead because I'm actually playing someone useful. Kember is a Cleric (my first time ever playing a spellcaster) and
queleb and
ktbee are using the shit out of my healing spells. But then, that's what Clerics are for, right?
The premise is that humans are slaves, and have been for centuries, either to the elves or the dwarves. We three were on a ship being sent somewhere our elven masters didn't see fit to tell us, it crashed, and we are the only survivors. My Kember, as I mentioned, is a Cleric, devoted to Pelor (Sun, Healing, Good, all that jazz). She was a healer and herbalist and sorely misses her healing kit, which was lost in the wreckage. Rew is playing Dane, a Rogue who learned how to be such by filching food and silverware while working in the kitchens. He's been caught a lot, and thus has all sorts of whip scars and whatnot. Katie is a Barbarian/Fighter named Grendel. Heh. Her turn to take point.
So we wake up on a beach after this shipwreck, no idea where we are, nothing useful in the wreckage (though Grendel manages to find a board with a nail in it), and are accosted on our way inland by spear-chucking lizard-men-things. Good thing she grabbed that board. We kill them all and take their stuff ('cause that's what one does in D&D) and are now armed with lots o' spears and a couple of stone axes. Rawr, ph3ar us.
Ooh, and 100 copper pieces. Huzzah.
Yeh, it's a slow (& small) start, but it's been a long time since any of us played - or ran - D&D. Plus we went grocery shopping for dinner and that ate up about half our playing time, and Morgan decided that her nap that day would be shorter than normal... *sigh*