A Good Weekend

Oct 04, 2004 15:04

It was a good weekend overall... lots of parties this weekend... twas fun.

Friday Alex, the roommate left and went to houston all weekend. Didnt see him again until this morning.

Friday night had rehearsal and then we all go together for Haley's birthday... that was interesting. Normally when we have birthday parites and such it is just the sophomores but for some reason the person that planned the party... at someone else's apartment... without everyone that resides in the apartments approval for everything... invited lots of people that some of us didnt like very much... so it was very dramatic. I just got up and left because i was going to meet Andi to go see a movie at midnight. Yes, they have midnight movies in waco, i heart them. Anyways, i went and saw Napoloean Dynamite, i absolutely loved it. It was very funny. I needed some stupid humor after all that drama, it was a good catharsis. I met a graduated senior from the department, Charity, who stil resides in waco until January. She is awesome. I kept hearing after friday night from everyone that she loved me sooo much... fag hag alert, but its ok. I welcome them... lol. Then i came home. And my phone rings.... it was this guy that i had been talking to for a couple weeks now... he lives in dallas. So he told me he is at the Hilton in waco, which isnt far from my apartment, so i was like um ok. So i went and hung out with him.... OMG it was so great. He is 23, a PILOT for American Airlines, i could not believe it. That itself made him sooo much more hotter, but he is very cute. And very nice and kind, whihc isnt a common trait among gay men, my relationship history a PRIME EXAMPLE!!! Anyways we stayed up until 7 am talking and cuddling, i wil admit but nothing beyond that. And i fell asleep. We woke up and then i left because he had a flight to dallas and then back to waco that night around 2 am.

So then on saturday i came home hung out, and went over to chad's and hung out with Andi for a little while. She was taking care of Nikki, Chad's cat. Then we got thirsty and she was like oh, the bacardi razz in the fridge is mine have one of those, so i did, and i hadnt had any food all day... it immediately affected me... uh oh! Then i laid down on couch and couldnt get up until the pizza came, and once the pizza got there i was better. So then we hung out for a bit more, chatted and such and then i went home to get ready for the party at Arlington Farms (Apartment Complex). That was fun. It was a theatre major thingy. We have tons of those, since there are many of us there are many different groups and such. Well it was really fun. About 50 people there, except they were all drinking beer and i dont drink beer so i stayed sober, which was fine. Except one of the other gay guys in my class... Brad, whom doesnt like me very much.... because he feels "i have taken his position as the token gay guy." and that some have said "that i am more of jack mcfarland than he is" PS those are the worst reasons for not liking me in the world. So catty, but wahtever that is texans for ya!!! So it was fun, had some good convos and drove some dunkards home. Then phone rings it is Marc, the pilot again saying he wanted to call and say hi, but he is going to bed, i was like um ok, and we maid plans to hang out on Sunday.

Then on Sunday I got up at 11 cleaned, and showered and callled Marc went and picked him up. Then went to Chilli's for lunch and we took a walk around campus. He really wanted to see it so we walked around the whole thing, that is VERY LARGE. And a lot of walking but he runs every day. LOL. Well anywho.... this is a sidenote, everyone at Baylor is so beautiful i always feel the need to work out more than I do, but i dont think it is making a difference, oh well.

So anyways.... we hung out until about 6 i took him back to his hotel. We watched the movie Bully in my apartment it was kinda weird... but good all the same. So then on Sunday night i took a nap and then went to hang out with Charity and Catilyn and we watched my bootleg of Avenue Q, yes i have a bootleg of avenue q, and i love it. I also have Wicked, and they are both on DVD!!!


I better do other things...

Until next time!
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