Ah, isn’t it fun to use subject lines that can mean several things at once? I want to begin by thanking you for the comments on both entries concerning my grandma. I apologize for not being responsive, it’s just that my Internet has been so bad lately that I’m hardly able to access more than the mobile Facebook or Twitter. Please know that I value your reading and caring about what’s going on here.
Speaking of the Internet, I’m hoping those slow issues will be remedied soon. I’ve just subscribed to a service called
Clearwire, which provides Internet access on the go. The rep I spoke to sent me a WiFi hotspot, or as they call it a Clearspot, that I can use to bring up to 8 devices online simultaneously. That sounds nifty. I guess the device is small, as he said I can carry it around in my pocket. I’d heard of this service because my cousin uses it.
I’ve just had it with Time-Warner and their issues in this complex. They sent a guy over to see what the problem was, and of course when he ran a speed test on my connection all appeared fine. He even had me log on while he was here, and yeah it worked. But not more than a few minutes after he departed, the thing went right back to dragging as it had before. I know they’ll think I’m crazy if I keep calling about it, and I question their ability to fix it anyway. So, I’ll try Clear.
The only thing is since my credit is pretty much nonexistent, they won’t waive the activation fee for me. This means that in order to get everything up and running, I have to shell out $165. After that though, it’ll be just $45 a month. That’s still cheaper than getting the iPhone I’d thought about obtaining, so I guess it’ll be ok in the end. They did seem to have excellent customer service, though.
And, am I ever happy to be on Spring Break! I did manage to just slip that lit review in under the wire, staying in the library until I was forced to catch the last bus to my apartment, then scrambling to make last edits at home before zipping it out on the apartment WiFi while sitting outside in the cold. As soon as I got that accomplished, the apartment WiFi went down. This was at 10:45 PM, and the paper had to be in by midnight on Wednesday. So as you can see, I was very fortunate to pull that off. I’m not really sure how I did in the end. I do know that it required 30 articles and I only submitted 24. I just didn’t like the others I’d attempted to use. I’m sure that’ll end up costing me something, but ah well. I need to use this time to relax, retool, and find my motivation.
Tonight is the final game of the ACC regular season for Carolina, against Duke. Amazing that the season is already ending! I guess I didn’t win those tickets after all, which isn’t surprising but kinda blows. The game should be quite exciting, though, and I plan to have a burger on the George and have fun with my Twitter friends as it progresses. All I’m missing is a cold beer. Haha.
For all the other students on Spring break, I hope you are having a fun, safe time. We’ll be back for the second half, the warmer half! Of the semester shortly. Till then, farewell.