1st Entry of Semester 4

Jan 21, 2011 12:51

And also the first posted directly from the Netbook! Yay for portability.
I'm sitting in the bustling lobby of my main academic building, Bondurant Hall, because sadly it's too cold to be outside for an extended period. I did get a iraculous break in the weather on Wednesday, during which we saw temperatures climb to the mid 60's with ample sunshine. You had better believe I took advantage of every minute of that! And to those who remember my UNC Charlotte days, I'm proud to announce that I've found a similar sunsplashed bench here now. It's the little things, folks.
Anyway, so what's been going on with me. Not surprisingly, a whole lot. I've completed my second week of classes, the first full one though because we missed last Tuesday's due to snow. Well more like ice, but whatever. I wish all of that stuff would just go away!
The research class is a bit unnerving, because I must begin writing my literature review. This will be the first chapter of my Master's project, so obviously it is very iportant. I'm having a hard time deciding what to pursue, but let's hope I've come up with something by February 8, as the outline is due then. The entire lit review must be completed on March 1.
And then there's the lab class. Here, I must pretend to be a counselor and a client, obviously in different sessions. These sessions will be taped for later viewing by the instructor. The problem? Well there's an uneven number of students in this course, meaning that one group must have three participants. And of course, I've always got to be the oddball. I'm trying to work with some of my classmates and ask the professor how such a group would be composed. She has actually ensured me that a three-person group should be easier than a partnership, but I guess we shall see.
In oter, slightly more exciting news, I'm attempting to apply for an internship with the Association of American people with Disabilities (AAPD). If I get it, I'd be placed in the office of a congressperson, where i would have the opportunity to learn a lot about the political and legislative process over the summer. They'd provide travel to and from DC, as well as lodging for the ten weeks I'd be there. I think it would be a really neat opportunity for me to learn about advocacy and disability rights, and my advisor agrees.
Speaking of whom, I went to meet with him today about some things. What he had to tell me was somewhat distressing, although I guess in retrospect I shouldn't have been all too surprised. He is recommending that I continue on the part-time track even beyond this year. The biggest reason for this is that if I don't, I'd have to work on my master's project, do practicum work, and take three courses simultaneously next Fall. We all recall how difficult it was dealing with just those four courses in the Fall of 2009, so I think he has a point. I'm not sure if the Division of Services for the blind is going to agree though, not to mention the added time I'd be spending in school. It would tack another year onto my program. I'm not exactly sure what to do, and I have only a limited time to decide. I finally have completed the transfer of my case from the Charlotte to the Raleigh office, and met with my new counselor this past Tuesday. That is a huge relief! Now I have this other, new curve to throw at him. I hope he is understanding.
And I close by acknowledging two individuals who are allowing me to guest post in their blogs. Well the second isn't up yet, but the first, a former UNC student whom I've written about in here before has a blog called Access Tech Geek. She had me write a piece about System Access, including how I use it and my overall impressions. I think it actually ended up being pretty good. The second entry, coming shortly, is a personal story about me. It may well be the most comprehensive background post I've ever written about myself. I will definitely post the link once it is available.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I hear they're threatening us with that four-letter word again, S-N-O-W. No, make it stop! I've had enough days sequestered to my apartment, thank you very much. Wednesday reminds me that Spring will arrive eventually, though. Out!

insanity, rants, technology, grad school

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