Really? Aww! Time just seems to be going impossibly quickly these days. Already I have less than a month until next school year commences. And, I should wish my cousin
thespis2010 a happy birthday, whatever he ended up doing with it.
So what have I been up to this weekend. Yesterday, I did absolutely nothing other than reading. I only spoke to one person; the older woman who stays above me. I think she was somewhat concerned, because I was still outside at 9:30 PM. I just hate to stay cooped up! Which is why I so vehemently dislike cold weather.
Today was church, as it has been for the last two months or so. I've not attended so regularly since middle childhood, at least. If I can be truthful here, I'm just not entirely sure how I feel about organized religion. I am working out my own beliefs separate from just what I've been taught, as I think is a healthy thing to do. In any event the message themselves can be valuable to enhancing one's life. Today, the pastor spoke about speaking life into our situation. "Too many watch their circumstances wither up and dry out," he said. "They can be burned to a crisp by the scorching suns of negativity and self-doubt". His cermon came from Ezekiel, Chapter 37, in which he was apparently led down into a valley of dried bones that represented the lost generation of Israelites who'd consigned their descendants to bondage in Babylon.
I can certainly agree that I need to do a better job of speaking life into my own situation. I feel, now as seemingly always, very apprehensive about the coming week and all of its likely challenges. But I usually find some way to work them out, and worrying as much as I do doesn't help. I guess all I can do is continue to work harder at becoming the full person I know I can be.
They were headed to another service at 4, however the individual who drove me out there was unable to stay due to job scheduling. We did, however, partake in a meal at the Golden Corral with the churchfolk before they departed. I had fried chicken, a wing and a breast, a healthy slab of meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, a soft, delicious roll, and a somewhat watered down glass of lemonade. Hold off a little on the ice!
Against my wishes, that meal laid me out for an hour once I returned home. And then 5 became 6 became 7 became 8, and here we are already past 9:30. So what am I about to do? You guessed it, go outside to read some more! Hey, this is what the summer months are for.
I hope I can indeed survive this week's craziness, and I hope that if you are dealing with anything you are able to come through it as well. Oh, and in closing I should welcome my new LJ friend
miafedup to my list. It's been a really long time since anyone not made of spam has added me, and I do appreciate it. I look forward to getting to know you through your writing, and I hope you enjoy mine.