That comes from the fact that we sometimes call North Carolina "North Cackilacky". I don't know exactly where that nickname came from, though.
It's every bit of summer time in these parts, though! Very hot, almost windless days that find me swatting myself constantly and yet sitting outside in utter enjoyment of every moment. I'm actually from Florida, though my birth records deny this.
Yesterday I had the thrill of moving yet another individual from only known online to meeting in person. I'm not even sure she posts on LJ these days, but alas it is how we met all those years ago.
hollym4784, proud Tar Heel alum, hanging out on campus a bit after having come to town for a job interview. We only got to chat for a couple minutes before her friend showed up to get her, but it was still cool. How long will it be before I meet you in person? I probably would have missed her if I'd not had my laptop, as she sent me a tweet alerting me of her arrival that I saw while on the campus wireless connection continuing to configure things.
I made a run to the grocery store today, which is so often a hair-raising experience. Well it depends largely on whom I get to help me in my shopping. The guy who came along this time was just inaudible to me, no matter how loud I turned up the aids and leaned over the buggy. I'd given him a printed list, thank goodness, but I'm still not sure how much of that stuff actually ended up in the cart. I know for sure that he didn't get my darn juice.
Tomorrow, this church that I've been attending will have its own, slightly shortened service starting at 11 AM. Then, after a dinner that I gather we will all have somewhere nearby, we're to go to another church for a service that is supposed to last until around 5. I'm going, because well why not? It'll be good to be out and around people, and I've not been to one of those marathon service days in many years. Plus I bet the food will be good too!
What am I reading? A book that I will no doubt finish too quickly, because of its excellence. It's called Little Bee, by Chris Cleave. And since I got it from Web Braille, I can show you the review they had for it:
Fourteen-year-old Little Bee flees Nigeria and spends two years in a British immigration detention center. Upon her release, Little Bee seeks out Andrew and Sarah O'Rourke, a couple she and her sister had previously encountered--with dire consequences--on an African beach.
I'm still not sure of what this horrific happening on the beach was, but it is used in a way that makes one not able to stop reading easily. The novel begins with colorful characters: one from Jamaica, another from a likely South Aisian country, and one who doesn't give enough information to presume where she might be from. Little Bee makes all sorts of observations about English, chief among them that words have several, confusing meanings. I'm only about halfway through, and yet I can already say I highly recommend it.
And so we'll see how the rest of this weekend plays out. I just need to take a couple breaths and relax as I prepare to dive into next week, during which many things must happen. I'm exploring the possibility of doing some volunteer work for a local charity organization: I've made some connections and now need to get an idea of what kinds of things might be available. I'm hoping to put some kind of experience on my resume, and although of course I need the money too, I'm figuring I must start somewhere. Not to mention that I might have a chance to do something good for someone else, which would be rewarding in its own right. I'm off now to eat something for dinner, but I hope everyone else is having a great weekend also.