Another Grad School Update

Sep 24, 2009 11:27

So, I know everybody wants to hear from me more, but I’m nearly out of words already! It feels as if I write at least 5 pages every single day.

On the APA style: the professor said I came closer to it with the second paper, but my writing quality decreased. “Gotta keep that writing consistent!” he said. Well it’s just harder to do when trying to keep this and that in line, center this, bold that, put headings here, etc. I see why some folks go crazy in grad school.

I thought I’d give you a picture of what a typical day looks like for me:

Up by 6:15 and into the shower. Finished getting ready by 6:45, wolf down a bowl of cereal and hit the door by 7:10. Make the bus stop, many times just as the bus is about to head off, and hurl myself in front of it to make them stop! Ride for 25 minutes to campus library, hop off, go in to check email, download any handouts and the like. Head to class at 9. Sit for three hours with a breat at approximately 10:30, often grab a soda or something chocolate to keep me awake on said break. Head to the library café or the other restaurant across from it for lunch at 12. Go back for second class at 1 (this is for my longest day, otherwise I’d either have the 9:00 or 1:00 timeslot). Sit again for three hours with break at 2:30. Get out at 4, head back up to library and frantically compose assignment due on blackboard by midnight. Catch the 6:10 bus back to my place and try hard not to fall asleep (very good thing my apartment is at the end of the line!) Throw something in the oven, pot, or microwave and eat before I’m too tired to do so. Listen to National Public radio stories I’ve downloaded onto my removable flash drive while at library. Hit the sack no later than 10.

It’s a drastically different routine from the days at my old job, that’s for sure. And even on the weekends, I usually don’t sleep later than 7. There’s just always so much to do.

My Aunt and Uncle came up this past weekend and brought me a very high bed, an industrial-strength microwave (I almost made something explode, because it said cook for 3 and a half minutes. Had to cut that time in half!) and a whole lot of bottles of water and juice.

They also brought me my most prized piece, a radio. I sorely miss listening to sports, although thus far my Carolina Panthers (National Football League NFL) aren’t giving me much to hear. They’re off to an 0-2 start, but if they can take down the Dallas Cowboys on Monday night I’d be much happier. We need a new quarterback, I say. I’m tired of Jake Delhomme, or as I call him, Jake the Fake! I heard he was married to the coach’s daughter though, so he’s probably not going anywhere anytime soon.

The North Carolina Tarheels, the football team at the university I’m now attending (still feels strange to say that) are actually doing pretty good. They’re off to a 3-0 start. Wonder how long that’ll hold up.

Anyway, that’s what’s been up with me lately. Just trying to maintain sanity, which is getting harder the deeper into this semester I plunge. More soon.

insanity, sports, grad school, independence

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