This one's open to the world 'cos I love these guys more than ever before now. Also, I'm giddy as hell.
I lost my wallet a couple of weeks ago and I jsut got a call from Mike Gonzales (I think that was his last name) at In 'n Out Burger Corporate (I think it was corporate anyway). My wallet was handed into one of their restaurants. I don't know exactly where or when. This has saved me around $200 in replacement cards (my Green Card having a $180 price tag alone) and a hell of a lot of waiting around in government buildings. To top it off, the $8 or thereabouts that was in the wallet when it went missing was still in there!
Needless to say, I'll be eating at
In 'n Out some time today. I may even go back to the one in Davis at some stage despite vowing to never do so again. To be fair, it's not really because of anyone other than the jerk off who honked at me for not clearing the intersection quickly enough for him.