
Aug 24, 2009 15:27

I am still in the land of the living. Have been working hard trying to keep the guys I work with in line and from doing stupid things, it ain't easy, boys will be boys.

A couple of weeks ago I went on a week long camp/bivouac living with your house on your back. Literally everything that you needed for the week you carried. In a 90 liter pack I managed to fit this stuff: tent & poles & extra rope, sleeping bag & a foam thing to lay on, billy can, portable burner (trangie)& metho for the burner, food - only a couple of cans because of the weight, a lot of dehydrated foods, a change of underwear & socks for each day (yeah we had to do that - hygiene)and 1 change of clothes, bug repellent, KFS, plate & mug. Almost forgot a cake of soap, washer & towel and the most important thing of all loo paper 1 roll. I put all that in and still had room to spare, with the total weight of my pack 20 kilos (44 pounds). We had water canteens (6) but until we got to the campsite all but 1 had to be empty. It was great to get out there again, did not mind not having a shower for the first 4 days, we didn't care cause we all smelled the same after 2 days. Some of the heavier equipment was already supplied out there. There was a few laughs as two of the guys were supposed to dig the latrine in the place marked but didn't, they thought their spot was better until they put their tent up, yep it was only 5 meters way from the dunny, they had to live with it or move it, they moved the dunny. I survived.

It was cool when we went camping/bivouac, but now even thou in all reasoning according to the southern hemisphere it is supposed to be winter, the last 4 days has been like summer with temps in the high 20's to mid 30's (Celsius) and the night mid to high teens. Just checked the temp on the web and it got to 36.4 Celsius today, there is similar weather forecast for the next week or so. Our so called winter is finished, not that it got cold, only needed a sweatshirt and long pants in the mornings or late evening, but during the day was shorts and T-shirt.

Roll on summer.

camping, weather

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