Bernard: This is why I take the subway. - Insensitive remark - fail or win? (I’m goin’ with fail on this one) - Emo husband is emo. I’m sorry after Connie was brutally attacked by A CUP OF COFFEE IN THE LAST EPISODE, I AM UNABLE TO REMAIN ALL SRS AND STUFF.
- So the loving mom killed a lot of people because she was drunk. Why is there even a question as to how she should be prosecuted?
“Your drunk wife killed our babies.” Damn.
- is it just me or is this episode a bit exploitative-ly sad, rather than…normal ripped from the headlines sad. Like, I know this is based on a very recent crime that occurred…I’m not making sense. My brain’s still fried from “Boy Gone Astray.” Someone over at ontdlawandorder suggested that maybe it’s just because it’s setting everything up and that we usually don’t get this kind of emotion (multiple kid deaths) in most L&O eps. This is true. SVU (“Charisma”) and CI (“To the Bone”) are usually the eps to tackle that sort of thing.
- I should be paying more attention to Bernard and Lupo. They are most likely being awesome and compassionate and inappropriately snarky…but…brain fried.
- RODGERS. ♥ She says, “This lady was hammered on jungle juice.” - And Rodgers comes to the precinct! Yeah! - Nasal spray- Propofol. Did they just Michael Jackson this shit?
- Blah, blah, blah, plot points, guy from Mad Men, etc. - Bernard will beat your ass. - Lupo takes his jacket. - I LOVE CYRUS LUPO. Just saying. - Oh, shit. He tried to kill himself. - Damn. Blood. This reminds me of the Eric McCormack episode of SVU from earlier this season - scissored! *is insensitive like Bernard now*
- Connie will remand and prosecute you! - Connie has a pretty jacket.
- Connie will subpoena ALL OF YOUR RECORDS, and your LITTLE GOLF BALLS, TOO.
- Apparently, I missed Cutter telling Connie, “Have fun on your investigative trip” and elbow-patting her. Hehe.
"Fishing expedition" "Opening the floodgates" "Off the reservation"
I love L&O's overused phrases.
- Jack gets on a soapbox about healthcare! AND BUUUURN. Rejects your dirty money! - Cutter on the computer, typity typing! - Mike and Connie talky time :D
- Cutter’s subpoena was quashed. *snicker*
- …I’m so not following the entire plot. Oh, well. - So the mom wasn’t at fault? Wha? Of course. Twist. La la la. Real smart, dumbshit.
- So they won, right? I guess as neojess said, they needed a total win this episode after the total lose of the last episode…
All in all…um, I wasn’t super-into it - still reeling from the last episode, mostly, all distracted. But it wasn’t bad.
OH MY GOD I CANNOT WAIT. I love that they’re having Woll return. And I’m guessing (as I’ve already been asked like three times in the five minutes since the preview aired) as neojess surmised, that since Connie worked with Woll as an ADA, she was possibly an unwitting accomplice at some point, and there’s some loophole that allows her to testify or whatever. But still OH EM GEE.
- Oh, shit. “Mom” was totes drunk.
Bernard: This is why I take the subway.
- Insensitive remark - fail or win? (I’m goin’ with fail on this one)
- Emo husband is emo. I’m sorry after Connie was brutally attacked by A CUP OF COFFEE IN THE LAST EPISODE, I AM UNABLE TO REMAIN ALL SRS AND STUFF.
- So the loving mom killed a lot of people because she was drunk. Why is there even a question as to how she should be prosecuted?
“Your drunk wife killed our babies.” Damn.
- is it just me or is this episode a bit exploitative-ly sad, rather than…normal ripped from the headlines sad. Like, I know this is based on a very recent crime that occurred…I’m not making sense. My brain’s still fried from “Boy Gone Astray.” Someone over at ontdlawandorder suggested that maybe it’s just because it’s setting everything up and that we usually don’t get this kind of emotion (multiple kid deaths) in most L&O eps. This is true. SVU (“Charisma”) and CI (“To the Bone”) are usually the eps to tackle that sort of thing.
- I should be paying more attention to Bernard and Lupo. They are most likely being awesome and compassionate and inappropriately snarky…but…brain fried.
- RODGERS. ♥ She says, “This lady was hammered on jungle juice.”
- And Rodgers comes to the precinct! Yeah!
- Nasal spray- Propofol. Did they just Michael Jackson this shit?
- Blah, blah, blah, plot points, guy from Mad Men, etc.
- Bernard will beat your ass.
- Lupo takes his jacket.
- I LOVE CYRUS LUPO. Just saying.
- Oh, shit. He tried to kill himself.
- Damn. Blood. This reminds me of the Eric McCormack episode of SVU from earlier this season - scissored! *is insensitive like Bernard now*
- Connie will remand and prosecute you!
- Connie has a pretty jacket.
- Connie will subpoena ALL OF YOUR RECORDS, and your LITTLE GOLF BALLS, TOO.
- Apparently, I missed Cutter telling Connie, “Have fun on your investigative trip” and elbow-patting her. Hehe.
"Fishing expedition"
"Opening the floodgates"
"Off the reservation"
I love L&O's overused phrases.
- Jack gets on a soapbox about healthcare! AND BUUUURN. Rejects your dirty money!
- Cutter on the computer, typity typing!
- Mike and Connie talky time :D
- Cutter’s subpoena was quashed. *snicker*
- …I’m so not following the entire plot. Oh, well.
- So the mom wasn’t at fault? Wha? Of course. Twist. La la la. Real smart, dumbshit.
- So they won, right? I guess as neojess said, they needed a total win this episode after the total lose of the last episode…
All in all…um, I wasn’t super-into it - still reeling from the last episode, mostly, all distracted. But it wasn’t bad.
OH MY GOD I CANNOT WAIT. I love that they’re having Woll return. And I’m guessing (as I’ve already been asked like three times in the five minutes since the preview aired) as neojess surmised, that since Connie worked with Woll as an ADA, she was possibly an unwitting accomplice at some point, and there’s some loophole that allows her to testify or whatever. But still OH EM GEE.
For oh so many reasons.
When my philosophy teacher talks about "extreme hand-holding" he will stand behind my desk with his hands covering my ears, because I'm a youngster.
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