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Dictionary of Terms
Beast-people: Half-human hybrids in the Outer World, who are feared and teased continuously from birth to death if they live in a human town. The only place in the above world where they are accepted is the Woods of Artrena, which is protected by the Sorceress Queen, Selice.
Camiger: A beast-person that is part tiger. The fur changes color according to their emotions, and later according to their will. Usually live between 1,200 and 1,500 years, the oldest known Camiger died at the age of 2,053 years. It is extraordinarily rare for two Camigers to come in the same family, unless one parent is a Camiger.
Darkwind: A powerful class of spells, which are extremely difficult and dangerous to master. It is rare to find a person that has been fully trained in all of the Darkwind Techniques; such people usually die in the attempt at mastery of them. The Art of Darkwind, as some call it, is based upon the power of the mind and its connection to everything. Most of the creatures that succeed in mastering the Darkwind Techniques are Dreamwearers.
Draconian: A race of people who are half-humanoid hybrids with dragon blood. Draconians are fiercely loyal to their own and extremely powerful both physically and magically. Very few people can over power a draconian in a pure war of magic.
Dreamwearer: A creature, usually humanoid in shape and appearance that can take the shape and looks of the most desired thing a person has. Many people confuse Dreamwearers with Mimics, as both copy items at times, except that Mimics do it to ensnare food and kill people, whereas Dreamwearers do it to try to become closer with the person they became the object for.
Dreamweaver: A class of people who can weave emotions and thoughts from people’s minds into “reality”. The truly born Dreamweavers are able to bring it into true reality, while the ones who learned it and weren’t born to it can only make it illusionary.
Fairy: A common creature in woodlands and forests, about one foot tall at most, and generally of a kind and noble spirit, although they can be pranksters.
Illusionist: A humanoid creature with the ability to use magic to hide what is real.
Spell Circle: (1) A series of events needed to invoke a powerful spell. (2) A group of people with similar powers but different elemental binds gathered to increase the power of spells. (3) A Circle drawn in a spell to increase or contain its power.
Glossary of People
Arnil: A tall, usually silent elven half-giant, his past is mysteriously unknown, and he rarely makes friends. He befriended Rastor, because Rastor accepts him as he is, not mocking him for the fact of his half-giant blood. He is extraordinarily gentle, a trait found rarely in one of his blood mixture. He is always afraid of hurting someone weaker than him, as most are. He is fifty-eight years of age, has black hair, blue eyes, deep black skin, and stands ten feet, eight inches tall.
Celleni, Cassillia: A dreaded dark-elf priestess of Casthe, the Blood Goddess. She is a very jealous young priestess, and is of noble birth in House Celleni. Her father was a wizard-born dark-elf, and her mother was a high priestess of Casthe. She killed her mother shortly after becoming a full priestess, thus proving her loyalty to her Goddess. She is currently seeking the Lilia Medallion, which was stolen from her when she was a cleric training to be a priestess. She is a rare albino dark-elf, and her magic is that of the darkness. She is three hundred, fifty years old, has silver eyes, and stands five feet tall.
Coorden, Clissenda Celina: A tigress-elf/dark-elf hybrid, sister of Rastor Urthen Coorden, and his only tie to the world of life. Emotionally scarred from the brutal torment she suffered at the hands of jealous priestesses, her father was brutally murdered in front of her, as a sacrifice before they let their men rape her mother. She was forced to watch the entire affair, before they strung her up by her wrists and whipped with her own hooked whip. She is a fully credited priestess of Lilith, Goddess of Restoration. She values her virginity above anything else. She is currently two hundred, sixty-eight years old, has golden eyes, silver hair and fur, and stands five feet four inches tall. She has an eighteen-inch long tail.
Coorden, Rastor Urthen: A Camiger who has suffered much mental and physical abuse in his life. He is a master of all things regarding the Darkwind Techniques. Fear him, for he is a creature with no bond to this world but his sister, Clissenda Celina Coorden. He began the training in the Darkwind Techniques at the age of twenty-five. He finished the training and returned to his home to find his father brutally murdered that same night, his mother raped and killed, and Clissenda hanging from the rafters by her wrists, swaying and covered in lashes from a cruelly hooked whip. He is two hundred, eighty-five years old, has golden eyes, and stands six feet four inches tall. He has a two-foot long tail.
Coralona, Celeste: A noblewoman who went to the illustrious Lucinvisicille University of Science and Magic, a place renowned for their instructors. Married Crios on the day they graduated and gave him her last name. She is fully trained as a Priestess of Arathel, Goddess of Rain. She is twenty-one years old, has blue eyes, blonde hair, and stands five feet and three inches tall.
Coralona, Crios: A peasant that was accepted into the illustrious Lucinvisicille University of Science and Magic do to a trinket handed down from ages past, which contained the soul of a demon. An ancestor of his was the one to slay the beast and trap it inside the amulet. Twelve years ago the amulet fell into a crevice in the earth and was lost. As with the majority of his family, he has an affinity for all things Music, including the ability to use music to cast spells of great power. He makes his living as a bard. He is twenty-two years old, has red hair, green eyes, and stands six feet tall.
Laurallic, Sarigo Varice: Another peasant who was accepted into the University. He was gifted at birth with the ability to manipulate Water and Earth, thus allowing him to master poisons and antidotes. He is a rather rude and sarcastic man because of the time he spent in slave labor as a young adult. His arrogant demeanor causes fights between himself and Crios’s beloved Celeste. Befriended Crios when Crios first arrived at the University. He is thirty-five years old, has brown hair, brown eyes, and stands five feet eight inches tall.
Lilis: An Illusionist who lives in the Inner World. She is of elven blood and was freed from the slavery of a Dark Elf priestess by Rastor Coorden. She feels a deep longing to repay him and has since fallen in love with her hero, who saved her from the Dark Elf priestess and the torment she would be put through. She is thirty-five years old, has pale blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and stands four feet, eleven inches tall.
Listol: A student of the Darkwind Techniques. He is currently in training and it looks like he will be training for a very long time yet to come. His slack hearted pace makes Rastor frown upon him, and Rastor gave up with assisting him three years back. He is being trained by one of the other Thirteen Masters of Darkwind right now, and, unfortunately, is suffering the symptoms of one who has been a trainee of the Arts too long. He will most likely soon be out of the training, thrown out on his ear. He is a draconian, one of the few and proud. Although being draconian, he is lousy with magic. He is one hundred three years old, has a black-scaled body, blood red eyes, and stands eight feet tall.
Selice: The sorceress that lives in the Woods of Artrena. She was cursed at the age of eight by the previous sorceress, allowing the previous one to leave and trapping her there. Her parents searched for years, but never found her, as the beast-people of the forest took her into their village and trained her to be a sorceress. She received infusions of the blood of a tigress when she was near death after being thrown off a cliff by a Minotaur. The tigress blood mixed with her own, thus creating the Sorceress Selice of Besilin, Queen of the Woods. The mixed blood stopped her physical aging, and gave her the power to use Dream Weaving, which is a power that was previously unknown to any but the Tigress Clan of Besilin. She is four hundred, eight-nine years old, looks eighteen, with blue hair, green eyes, and stands four feet nine inches tall.
Valice, Kino: A Lord of Cristil, Home of the Dreamweavers. Kino Valice looks almost exactly like Crios. They were friends in the University, and Crios was even adopted into Kino’s family. Kino is a born Dreamweaver, and although he lost the love of Celeste to Crios, he still is kind and a friend to Crios and Celeste both. Kino is one who does not hold a grudge against friends. He is twenty years old, has red hair, light green eyes, and stands six feet tall.
Vellum, Valick: The son of a wealthy high-elf merchant, gifted in Wind Magic. He graduated from the University with Sarigo, Crios, Celeste, and Kino. He was classified as a paladin, seeing as he knew only how to heal and defend with his magic, and could do great harm with his skilled sword. He is forty-five years old, has blue hair, gray eyes, and stands seven feet four inches tall.