When President Bush says we need to stay in Iraq to prevent "the killing fields" that occurred after the US left,
this must be what he's talking about.
No, wait - what I just linked to is the facts of history, not the pretend history that Bush is following. Which seems to be "If only we had stayed in Vietnam longer, things wouldn't have been so bad.
R-ight. Or, you could look at what *really* happened, and see that after the US pulled out of an ill-planned, ill-needed, ill-conceived war that was designed to keep us fighting without any chance of victory (but make some people very, very rich), that the "killing fields" were stopped in Cambodia by - the Vietnamese. Who, after the US pulled out, were able to pull their country together (amazing how that happens when you're not getting bombed every day) and stopped the Khmer Rouge.
You know - the Khmer Rouge, the people the US were actually *supporting*, if you can buy that one. Crazy.