Quick Bioshock demo note

Aug 22, 2007 06:44

I fired up the Bioshock PC demo this morning, running it at 800x600, and so far - so good.  The game captures that "System Shock 2" creepy feeling dead on (the game isn't so much graphic as creepy - looking into the eyes of the dead as they stare at you, and the bad guys move so *fast*).

I'm not sure if my older PC can really handle it, which is why I'm still considering the 360 or (potential) PS3 version (unless I get that Macbook Pro that I'm lusting after through work - *that* would run this with no problem after putting an XP partition on it).

But good stuff so far in the demo.  Sadly I couldn't complete it as saves are turned off, and now the word is the full version has lots o' crashes - but color me impressed.

I've actually been playing through System Shock 2 for the first time.  Maybe I'll just finish that one first, and by the time I'm done I'll know what to do with Bioshock.
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