Dec 09, 2005 20:46
"Geisha are not, as the popular Western misconception holds, prostitutes. They are instead trained companions, skilled in refined arts such as dancing, poetry, and music. They provide pleasure of countless sublime variations, stimulating the mind as much as the body, and while they may indeed sleep with their clients, the transaction lacks the coarseness of a common streetwalker: rich patrons formally auction for the privilege of claiming a geisha's virginity."
see! They ain't whores who subjegated but instead classy ladies of the night like "pretty lady". I hope the author of these words has cancer that lasts and lasts and lasts but eventually and painfully, kills him.
rich patrons formally auction for the privilege of claiming a geisha's virginity!!!!!!!!! fotr pete's sake.
ps. i think it looks like a shit movie. oh and good jiob not hiring any japanese folks to play the roles. gag.
mind you what do you expect from a story writen by an american man.