Aug 14, 2005 21:21
well hmmm drama follows me everywhere i go im not sure whos my friend and whos not.. im hoping the ones important to me are still there for me =/ but who knows cus im sucha fuck up... i worked all weekend it kinda helps get my mind off things .. and some times it gets funn!! wow i never thought i would say that!!
i need a boy!! or i want a certain him!! l0l hhaha i get bored!! i have nothin much to say cus my life so so dull at the moment and so freakig depressing!! josh has been home its like the first time in forever and i love haveing him here!! but hes leaving in a couple days along with my dad and then like 3 days later my mom is leaving and im stuck here with my grandma who doesnt drive so i will be taking a bus to and from work new expiernce and it will show my mommy how bad i need a car!!
friday was one of the hardest days ever mikeys mom called me thursday and asked me to go with her to the grave sight and i think i cried from thursday to saturday non stop i just couldnt stop thinking about how much i miss him!! so yea nothin left to say!!
micheal bocavitch!
october 22,1988-august 12,2002
i miss you so much!! R.I.P!!!
well i have no life so nothing to update.. i wish i could be saying had an amazing time with him but nope haha
comment x0-Jill