Apr 25, 2004 17:41
hello darlings...
yes another weekend is almost over.. it's been good though. i went to the east bay races last night. #27~ won the 75 lap race!! it was exciting. they had the NASGRASS.. it's nascar for mowers.. it was funny. today(sunday) i spend most of the day cleaning my...and my dad's..lol truck. it was soooo filty inside.. and it's not even from me.. he just tells me i have to clean it or i can't drive it. it wasn't horrible cleaning it though. afteri cleaned the inside i washed it again... and took it on a little "dry" drive. lol all the way to.. PLANT CITY.. two streets down haha. anyway i saw a couple nice trucks along the way so it was fun. so now it's sunday night and i have tons of studying to do, unfortunately. tomorrow it's back to the office/classroom. lol i need to get a job ASAP.. this summer is going to be fun but, full.. i have to get in shape and make some money too. haha anyway, i hope you all had a wonderful weekend. if you could please say a prayer for one of my teachers. most everyone that reads this knows her but, ms. Shea. her dad is about to die, if he hasn't already. anyway i know she needs the support right now! i feel horrible for her. anyway i'll talk to you krazy kids later i must go... my time here is done!
gitter done