(no subject)

Jun 14, 2005 21:11

Hooray for sheep wrastling. And not wrestling...wrastling. Today was my first official work day for mr T this summer. I was actually excited about working...I FINALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO! Which is great of course. But Ms. Cierra and I assisted with shearing like a bajillion sheep today, and I was filthy dirty and also both of us got like a rash on our arms from the infinite amount of baker's lice some of the sheep had. just filthy. And then we cleaned out this really really really grodie water-er thing that was FILLED with this weird looking algae gunk. And I cleaned it out with my hands!! It was exciting. I was pulling out handfuls of it, and it looked weird cus it had like these yellowish bubble algae that Cierra described as "Wendy's chili's beans." And then we went to subway where we got some terrified looks from people. Yooouuu look like a hobo, and you smell like one too! I bet that's what they were thinkin. We were covered (somehow I managed to get waaaay dirtier than cierra even though we did the same amount and kind of work) and we were covered in dirty lanolin, and then I had blood on my shirt. Then we went and played tennis that was beyond entertaining. It was fun. And then I came home and changed clothes and konked out for like 2 hours. I was pooped.
Tomorrow I have a dentist appt. for a check up tomorrow. My other set of stitches fell out today!!! It made me happy. So then afterwards I get to work again this time shearing baby lambs. I love working! I like how it feels to like work really hard and get something done. I'm a weirdo, I know.
Yesterday evening my family and I went and ate at Acadiana and it was sooooo good. And then afterwards we went to Academy and I got a mossy oak visor. It's awesome and I was very appreciative of it.
So anywho, I'mma gonna take a shower. I stink.
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