(no subject)

Oct 22, 2004 21:39

ok, so i know i havent updated in a while but ill do it tomorrow! for now i ripped of the quiz from ashley so here it is!

:x: best friend = Aubrie somethin or other (in pre-school)
:x: job = ha, i havent gotten a job yet, yes i know im a loser
.:x: screen name = cowgirlblues
:x: self purchased album = Leann Rimes (WHAT was i thinking?)
:x: pets = Dottie, our little fox terrier and Bernice the cockatiel that landed on our front porch and we took in as our own
:x: piercing/tattoo = i got my ears pierced when i was like a month or two old i think
:x: enemy = grr this lil hoochie girl from elem. school
:x: big trip = Arkansas!!!
:x: play/musical/performance = oh geez, dont tell people but when i was 4 or 5 i was in Hermannsons dance class and in my recital i was a donkey and a butterfly. Those were some of the days that Im DEFINATLEY was not proud about. Luckily i got too tomboyish and go into softball, lol.

:x: piercings = 4 in the ears
:x: tattoos = none that i know of, lol
:x: height = 5'6 or 7 (im not sure)
:x: shoe size = 11 mens
:x: hair color = dirty blonde

:x: movie you bought = Finding Nemo
:x: song you listened to = I cant remember
:x: song that was stuck in your head = "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" ~~Big and Rich
:x: cd you bought: John Michael Montgomery "letters from home"
:x: person that called you = my sister, grr
:x: person you were thinking of = ashley, lol, i just talked to her afterall

:x: wish you could live somewhere else = nope
:x: think others find you attractive = lol, creepy druggy guys are for some reason, haha
:x: want more piercings = errr not really
:x: drink = no
:x: do drugs = nope
:x: smoke = nopers
:x: like cleaning = well once in a blue moon i go on this cleaning rampage
:x: like roller coasters = umm im pretty wimpy about them but i will if i get pressured enough, lol
:x: write in cursive or print = print, but i decided to test my cursive skills in w. history the last couple of weeks when we took notes...now i know why i stick to print

:x: long distance relationships = well i wouldnt want to be in one
:x: using someone = againts
:x: suicide = against
:x: killing people = against...but if i had a psycho killer person after me, id wanna get them first
:x: teenage smoking = against
:x: doing drugs = I wouldnt do it but i dont really care if other people do. Its their choice
:x: driving drunk = against
x: gay/lesbian relationships = ehh i dunno. people can be gay but for my to be ok with it they'd have to #1 not do any pda and #2 DONT come on to me
:x: soap operas = haha, if you had asked me a month ago if i was for it i would have said no, but now that its summertime my boredom has drove me to like them. You know you're too into soap operas when youre actually dissapointed when they dont come on. but i <3 watching All My Children. OH WHY WONT CRYSTAL TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT MIRANDAS BABY NOT BEING DEAD AND BABE'S BABY ACTUALLY BEING MIRANDAS! AND WHY DID I JUST FIND OUT THAT MIRANDA WAS A LESBO?!?!

:x: song = im not sure
:x: thing to do = hunting and being outside and doing crafts and stuff
:x: thing to talk about = i have nooo idea
:x: sports = shooting sports, and softball o'course!
:x: drinks = sleepy time tea, tea, chocolate silk, and last but not least COFFEEEEEEE
:x: movies = uhhh i dunno
:x: singer = not sure
:x: holiday = i used to be all pumped about christmas but now that im older im like "eh, dont give me presents". I really like thanksgiving though

:x: ever cried over a girl = when a lady dies
:x: ever cried over a boy = when a man dies
:x: ever lied to someone = dur, everyone has. but 99% of the time its for a legitimant reason.

:x: shampoo do you use = Infusium all the wayyyyy
:x: shoes do you wear = i like my chukkas...a lot
:x: are you scared of = oh lord like everything. My nerves are always like AHHH spazzing and i always worry about stuff. the thing im still tryin to figure out is how i still have hair when im stressed out all the time

NUMBER (again)...
:x: of times I have been in love? = i love my family and animals and stuff but not IN love with them
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = 0
:x: of hearts I have broken? = i hope ive never broke any hearts
:x: of girls I have kissed? = ewwwwie none, unless my mom and grandma count but thats not like KISSING, thats like, ug i dunno, familia love
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = i trust a lot of people, which i guess can be bad if someone were to take advantage of that.
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = grrr that girl from school that i just...GRR
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = haha, i dunno but i know ive been in the helotes echo for 4-H and FFA stuff a lot
:x: of scars on my body? = too many to count
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = Ha, i regret lots of stuff, but everything happens for a reason, right?

:x: disney movie = im not sure...i like Aladdin
:x: word = haha, its got like be like the word LIKE...I cant help it though. My grandpa says that I use the word like as a "crutch" lol. NOT CROTCH YA SICKO.haha
:x: nickname = well Ashley sometimes calls me Laur-elle, and cierra calls me Marie (my middle name) and this girl from my 9th grade algebra class calls me squirrel, and when i was little my parents called me Pokie (as in pocohontas) and then my aunt and cousin Tyler call my Yaurel, and then my grandpa calls me Laurel-Marie-Is-A-Flea since like God knows how long, annnd i dunno i think i have lots of random ones that people call me
:x: eye color = green
:x: flower = i like sunflowers and daisies and snapdragons and orchids and diff stuff

Ok so THAT quiz is finally over, so you go and do it in your lj! haha
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