busy busy!

Oct 06, 2004 18:24

Ok, so I did A LOT yesterday so here i go...
First me and my mom went shopping which im usually not into but i got a really cute skirt so I'm happy. Then I went to my sister's friend's wedding which she's a bridesmaid in and it was REALLY short and i got to meet my this guy whos somewhere in between of being my sis's friend and boyfriend, so i dunno what they are and he was nice. I also saw some hot guy that was my sis's friend. Then we went and ate out at this place downtown (I HATE DOWNTOWN) called Tomatillos and it was ok and i dribbled a lil enchilada on my shirt so that sucked. Then we went and watched my lil cousin Kaitlyn at her dance recitle, and she was VERY CUTE in her lil costumes. Then we came home and by then it was late, and so i went to bed. Oh, and night before last, i hung out with cierra and it was fun (we made fish snap bracelets [ok, most people call them swivels, but i call them snaps, so whatever] and they are purty. HA, and then we watched this HILARIOUS show thing on tv (i dont have cable so im not used to this kind of stuff) and it was this old granny lady who was like a sex expert, and it was so friggin funny. Then they took me home and we made a couple calls, lmao, and the i got home at like 1:30 in the morning and so im really tired. Oh yeah, and today we did a lil goat shoppin and i got one and im pickin it up in two weeks when its through being weaned from its momma, and then were gonna pick out a doe that i can show [HA that rhymes] at SA stock show, so yay. Anywho i think thats all for now. ADIOS
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