long time no talkie

May 30, 2004 10:22

Well, i know i havent updated in like, FOREVER and a lot of stuff has gone on since then. FIRST of all, i got home about an hour ago and our house was filled with thick smoke, and what happen was that the burner on the stove was left on and we had been at church and when we got home some of our countertop was burnt/melted and the beans that had been in the pot were incenerated. The first thing my parents did when we got inside was run and open the doors and windows, and i was like, the only one worried about poor Graham and Niko (dog and bird) cus i didnt want them to die of smoke inhalation. Anywho, everything turned out ok, the smoke is (mostley) gone, mom cleaned the blackness off the countertop, the walls arent stained, and everyones alive and kicken. As my dad said, it could've been a lot worse but the good Lord watched over us.
SECOND of all, me and ashley went and saw pat green the night before last at floores and it was sooo awesome and im glad we went. we had a lot of fun.
THIRD I have seen three movies lately, Troy, 13 Going on 30, and Shrek 2 which were all really good, ESPECIALLY Troy and Brad's awesome tush, lol, AND the battle scenes too were uber-cool (as ashley would say [sometimes], hehe.)
and FOURTH which is pure happiness is NO MORE SCHOOL...well, at least for the next two months. Anywho, IM excited cus 1.I get to go to Arizona and New Mexico for a mission trip and 2.FFA convention allll the way, WHOO! haha
So anyways, that all for now folks! Adios, and remember, NEVER LEAVE A BURNER ON!
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