Mar 23, 2005 02:22
woohoo at the beach w/ katiee! we're at her beach house in oak island and having funnn! we've moved lots of furniture for her mom...had funny encounters with: plumbers taking beer from the fridge, me tryin to ride a bike, possible child molestors at walmart, and the penguin furniture mover. well to start with the plumber who took beer out of the fridge..after him and his son fixed the potty that was broken mrs. williamson (katie's mom) asked them to help us bring in a couch she'd bought that day and said that she'd pay them. they agreed and after they brought the couch in they asked if we had any beer. her mom told them we did and the old man just walked over and opened the fridge and helped himself to a beer. we were like WATTT are u doing?! it was pretty funny. hmm now w/ me trying to ride a bike. well lets just say that i learned how to ride a bike when i was 9 and haven't riden one since i was about we were going to ride down to the beach to go lay out and we decided to ride bikes because it was faster. wellll me not being very able to ride a bike it was funny because i stopped with my feet, and almost flipped over quite a few times. so yeah that was really interesting. then one night we went to walmart and there were these 2 old guys who kept lookin at me and katie's legs. they were checkin us out and it was GROSSSS! oo and thenn we saw a jessica simpson poster and it was reallllly we went home that nite and took sexy pics like the poster we saw-if ur special i mite show u ;-)...then today we encountered the moving people. it was an older balding man and another man w/ a strange accent who walked like a penguin. as they were leaving mrs. williamson told them to have a good day and the one w/ the accent said YA! and did a fag wave it was HILARIOUS!! umm then today we mostly just sat around because it was raining...we watched finding neverland which was really good. i talked to kenneth tonite b/c he is home from his lax tournament, but he's leaving tomorrow for st. kits! :'(...he gave me the nick name christian girl b/c of my skool and such so all of u who dissagree w/ that name for me PLEASE comment to prove him wrong (b/c we all know how much i love proving ppl wrong!)...newho i'm gonna go to bed and i love u all lots and lots..brookie-i hope u have fun in fl and that ur tummy doesn't hurt too much! xoxox~alex