Dec 04, 2005 01:44
hey everybody! today was a pretty awesome day. :-) to start tummy didnt hurt too much which is pretty much extrememly good. so i woke up a/b 11 30..ate breakfast, watched the sweetest thing which is actually a really good movie--go watch it. then got ready and went to get our christmas tree! yay! :-) 21 days kids--yessss!
so we found our xmas tree after a while of rummaging through ones that were either too short, too fat, too holy, etc. and we finally found a pretty decent one. ((its a little short for me, but it works)) so we throw it in the back of my grandfather's truck..and we're driving through downtown matthews and HOLY SHIT! FREE HOTDOGS!!!! so of course we had to stop and get a free hot dog and drink--i mean who can resist that?!
when we got home we unloaded the tree and stood it up inside...called brookie to come decorate it with us and bring the christmas music b/c ours is packed in a box in the lindsay's garage b/c we've thought we were moving for the past like 3873151.35 months and we're not now. and yes--brookie is jewish, but they like christmas music ok?! so we cranked that schtuff up and got to decorating. and now its beautiful.:-)
after that i got ready for carly's party over at andrew's. so i showed up to that and had a pretty awesome time with: carly, carly, katie, adrienne, thomas, robert, jess, josh, doug, michael, ben, JP, andrew, johnathan, cameron, danny, and 2 other girls i didnt know. we just hung out really...wathched top gun, carly stuck her face in her cake, all the guys got almost naked and in the hot tub, everyone freakin attacked my knees!! then started humping me--idk wtf that was all a/b, but w/e. :-) so yeah--long, eventful, fun night at andrew's.
on the way home brookie called and she was babysitting, so i went up there and talked to her for a little while until i had to leave b/c my stupid stomach hurt so freakin button came and got me...and ive been online since then.
oh yeah--everyone, fyi...billy went to see disney on ice tonight and im pretty much emensely (sp?) of him!!! i wanted to see the pretty princesses!!...ok jk (kinda) but im sure he had fun haha.
alright..well im gonna go to bed b/c i still dont feel too great. oh yeah..question of the day: casual or formal sweet 16? ((and what should i ask for for xmas??))
♥ alexx