Where was i resentful?
Toward Ian for being "smarter"
Toward Ian for heavy footfalls and plopping
Where was i dishonest?
Used God-Knows-Whose mustard without asking
Where was i selfish?
Acted in self, was thinking of self first, etc
Where was i afraid?
Of LaHa
Do I owe an apology?
mmm no
What could I have done better?
more legitimate morning meditation
not napped after first cigarette
turned thoughts to what i could do for others when resentful
Parents being so damn supportive
Kenny doing well telling his story
New meds!
fellowship of guys next door
seeing bonnie is doing well
Plants doing well
Cooking today!
new burger "recipe" coming out well
being of service to blake
no sex in a long time!
being emotionally sober
classes tomorrow!
new ipad gizmo
parents seemingly willing to take on more financial dependance
LaHa going okay
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