Muslim Rape or Xenophobia

Nov 20, 2015 10:55

Three Muslims who brutally raped a 14-year old girl in Norway:

The incident happened on the night of July 30 when the three men accosted the girl on a commuter train before also molesting her in a farm house and at an apartment in Oslo.

During her ordeal, the girl was raped both orally and anally before being forced to take drugs. According to reports, the abuse, which lasted for hours, was so horrific that at one point the girl expressed a desire to take her own life to end the suffering.

The girl suffered “severe mental damage” and PTSD as a result of the incident, missed a year of school and is still struggling to deal with what happened.

The three men, 18-year-old Bile Mohamed Elmi, 21-year-old Abdirizak Nur Ali and 21-year-old Mohamed Abdirisak Mohamed, were initially charged with gang rape, which carries a maximum sentence of 21 years.

However, prosecutor Cecilie Schloss Møller insisted there wasn’t enough evidence and the three men were convicted of sexual contact with a child under 16 years of age, which carries a lighter sentence.


The article states that one man was given community service and no jail time at all. My observation is simple: if the Progressive government of Norway wanted to deter rape, surely they would punish rape? If they punish rape not with death by hanging, not with jail, but with ludicrously light sentences, the only reasonable conclusion that that they do not wish to deter it.

The article continues:

In Norway, almost half of all rapes committed in Oslo in 2011 were carried out by individuals of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin, despite the fact that Muslim immigrants only represent 1.5-2 per cent of the population.

In addition, 100 per cent of aggravated rapes involving physical violence were committed by individuals of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin [Muslims].

Leftist political leaders responded to the figures by absolving “traumatized asylum seekers” of blame and instead pointed fingers at police for encouraging “xenophobia and prejudice” merely for reporting the statistics.

The only conclusion is that stopping rape is not anywhere within the Progressive purview. Stopping xenophobia, however, is.

Xenophobia is the mental disease of having an irrational fear of strangers. However, it is the longstanding tradition of Muslims, enshrined in Shariah Law, to punish girls for being girls by raping them, and to punish rape victims for being rape victims by killing them. To fear and hate such grotesque and satanic violations of one’s mothers, wives, sisters and daughters is hardly irrational, it is paramount duty.

The Progressives are actively hindering that duty. We do we continue to tolerate that they should exist at all, much less govern us?

Originally published at John C. Wright's Journal. Please leave any comments there.

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