Wright Alien Megastructure Hypothesis

Oct 15, 2015 10:23

Another discovery, equally astonishing as the discovery of the God-destroying magnetic brain wave mentioned in an earlier column in his space:


KIC 8462852 is a distant star 1,481 light-years away from Earth with

… a very unusual flickering habit. Something was making the star dim drastically every few years, and she [Yale University astronomer Tabetha Boyajian] wasn’t sure what.

Boyajian wrote up a paper on possible explanations for the star’s bizarre behavior, which was published recently in the Monthly Notes of the Royals Astronomical Society. But she also sent her data to fellow astronomer Jason Wright, a Penn State University researcher who helped developed a protocol for seeking signs of unearthly civilization, wondering what he would make of it.

To Wright, it looked like the kind of star he and his colleagues had been waiting for. If none of the ordinary reasons for the star’s flux quite seemed to fit, perhaps an extraordinary one was in order.


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Originally published at John C. Wright's Journal. Please leave any comments there.


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