I created my LiveJournal account 15 years ago (in April 2002), and it's a lot quieter now than it used to be. I think that's mainly due to competition from other social networks: I make short posts on Facebook or Twitter, and only use LJ for longer ramblings. Looking at my friends who used to post here, most of them have now moved over to Dreamwidth, partly because LiveJournal is now owned by a Russian company. LiveJournal recently updated their
terms of service, and this section caught my eye:
"7.4. Please note that, User shall be subject to Article 10.2 of the Federal Act of the Russian Federation No. 149-ФЗ if more than three thousand Internet users access the Blog (the Blog’s page) within 24 hours."
I'm not sure what that legislation is, but I don't expect to ever get that many people reading my blog so I'm not too worried. However, I've set up a Dreamwidth account anyway, using the same account name (
johnckirk). I haven't copied anything across yet, so I'm only using that to read other people's blogs. The main purpose of this post is to establish that I am the same person on both platforms.