I've just watched the first episode of the new series of Dr Who (either the 29th or the 3rd, depending on who you ask), and I enjoyed it; I thought it was a fun episode, with interesting characters, and bodes well for future episodes. There was only one huge flaw in it, which I'm willing to overlook.
Spoilers ho! )
Comments 13
I can think of two possible explanations. Firstly, she's a medical student, and a lot of them don't learn CPR until near the end of their pre-clinical. But she's clinical, so that doesn't hold up. Second, 15:2 or 30:2 take a long time to do a cycle, which looks boring from a dramatic point of view.
Guess which one I'm going for...
In another issue, she should know that CPR probably doesn't /actually/ work by compressing the heart(s), it works by altering the pressure in the chest cavity. So she probably didn't need to do two sets of compressions. Oh, and I didn't see much of a breathing check going on there either. Or indeed a shout for help.
Conclusion: She would have failed any of my courses.
I remember watching the first episode of 24 with my parents, both of whom are ex-military, and both of whom had gone through the same military first-aid training. There's a bit where Jack Bauer takes his tie off to use as a tourniquet, at which point my parents both shouted "Now write a T and the time on his forehead!" at the screen :-)
I think I am ok with the idea that a doctor might make a mistake in such circumstances...
The main reason I've been picking holes in it here (ditto for "Lost") is that there are lots of people who never go on a proper first aid course, and all they know about CPR is what they see on TV, so I'm trying to balance out the disinformation (although I obviously have a smaller audience than those TV programs).
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