Nov 17, 2004 22:25
i honestly dont know what i'm doing here. the work i'm producing is horrible and isnt teaching me anything. there are a total of 2 out of 7 classes that i feel like i've actually learned something in. this has been a waste of 15 thousand dollars. and there will another 15 thousand next semester. and that is if i'll be here next semester. and that's looking more and more doubtful. this entire problem is causing me to re-examine why i'm here and what i expect to come of this.
i honestly feel it's a problem with the education. and that alot of teachers here don't expect to teach you, but hand out pre-approved projects in which the student learns the concept by working through the problem/objective/painting. like my 2d design class. on our first problem he told me to add more shapes. that was it. i got a D on the project. i know i'm not the best in design, but that project went over over half of the semester. the project that i'm working on now he told me to add more organic shapes. that was it.
painting. we have painted 3 still lives with virtually no information from the instructor.
color concepts. alot of projects have gone by with terrible instruction from the instructor that is negative and patronizing.
english. a class that is graded on 5 essays; teaches nothing about writing. instead we read for homework and respond the reading in class. pointless.
digital design. wow, now i know how to use photoshop. huh, that was a close one.
drawing. i've learned things.
3d desing. i've learned things.
so 2 classes equals 15 thousand dollars.
welcome to the reel world john burke.