NME-Bound! (with slight stumble)

Jul 03, 2008 22:13

I was all booked up to go to Vegas for NME.

Then, at 6:00 tonight, I got a voicemail from Sun Country saying they cancelled my outbound flight, and put me on one a day earlier, but I was free to cancel with full refund.

I bitched about this for a short while, and Darcy told me to go find another flight. The Sun Country one was going to cost $447, and all the other flights I had been looking at were more, and had been going up. But this time I checked Travelocity and the flights were more like $300. I immediately cancelled and got a refund and then booked a flight on NWA. so now I'm confirmed and flying much cheaper. Thank you for the cancellation, Sun Country!
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