Today felt very surreal

Nov 28, 2008 19:42

In that it didn't actually feel like a Friday. I'm not entirely sure what it felt like, but not a Friday. And for some reason, all week I might be wide awake but the minute I sit at my desk at work, I have a hard time keeping my eyes open. Until about 1pm. Then I'm fine. I don't know what it is. Hopefully next week I'll be more awake. I'm not counting on it, though, since it's tech week next week, and that pretty much means I'll be going straight from work to rehearsal, coming home to sleep, and getting up the next day to do it all over again. But it's just one week, so it won't be that bad.

I'm really looking forward to getting into the space, though. I'm ready to actually feel what it'll be like when we have an audience. I'm really looking forward to this show. It's going to be amazing.

But yet, I do have one tiny rant about it. We were supposed to have rehearsal this evening because, frankly, we could still use it. So, I come home early from work stuff my face and get ready to go to rehearsal. Silly me didn't check his phone to see if there was a message, and apparently I didn't feel it vibrate when my director called. I get all the way down there and find out that there's no rehearsal because one of my castmates can't make it. I was slightly peeved, but it's totally my fault. I just didn't think to check the phone, and I was assuming that my castmates also have no life like I do and were available today. Oh well. It's not a really big deal. Just a waste of about an hour of my time. But it's not like I had anything better planned for this evening anyway.

And it gave me an excuse to go to Culvers on Todd Drive and get Butterfinger custard. Mmmmmmmm. *licks lips*

I did get a nice compliment from my director, though. He said that I take direction well, and that I actually take what he wants and make it my own. I'm not just mimicing back what he wants. Well, not completely anyway. And then he told me that he's really enjoyed working with me. I felt all warm and fuzzy after that. And hopeful that maybe sometime he'll want to have me in something else he directs.

The one thing I'm not looking forward to is that we're loading in the space at 7am on Sunday. I hope they realize that I'm pretty damn grumpy at that time of day. Plus, it's supposed to snow on Sunday, which means I'll have to leave my place even earlier, which means I'll have to be up even earlier. It's not going to be pretty. But at least I get along with all these people, so it's not like I'm getting up for people I can't stand. But once we get loaded in and everything, we'll be free to go until we have to be back at 6pm to run the show. Depending on what time it is, I'll either come back home and take a nap, or find something to do downtown. We shall see.

And with that, I shall end with a quote from a character I played. Hmm. "I remember my fifth birthday party. It was a dress up party, and all my friends came dressed up as Boba Fett or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or that weird thing from the McDonald's commercials. But I was Snow White. And I was so pretty in my little dress, and my wig, and my tiara! It was the happiest day of my life... until my mom told me I was a boy."

theatre, brothers grimm

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