Readercon podcast

Jul 23, 2007 14:57

Life intervened, so I didn't get around to posting about Readercon. The details are fuzzy at this point so it's really cool that there were folks around thinking about recording the event for posterity. In particular, Jim Freund (host of NYC radio's Hour of the Wolf) was at the Sybil's Garage reading with a digital recorder. SG editor Matt Kressel has turned the results into a high quality podcast you can download here:

to hear me, Leah Bobet, and Barbara Krasnoff (in that order) read our respective pieces from the latest issue.

Some very late-night Mafia (killed off late in round one, one of the victorious final three villagers in round 2, though I can't claim much credit.) ended the con for me on Saturday evening, but I'll definitely be going back next year. The panels were less energetic this year, but there were a lot of good people, some excellent readings, and the occasional bit of food for thought.

And with Jonathan Lethem GOHing next year, mmm, boy.
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