Jan 22, 2004 12:02

I have been out of the IM scene for too long. They are indisputably handy things to have, and I use the IBM internal one at work all the time, but it has been quite a while since I've had one up and running at home.

For some reason, this deprivation bothers me in a way it has not previously.


I need to know where my peeps are at on the IM front. My brother is on MSN, so clearly that is the current lead contender, but I will entertain other suggestions. Note that this is not a poll because I'm am not a member of the LJ aristocracy that seeks to oppress the non-paying plebes who mooch off the site and exist at its pleasure alone. If you prefer polls, think of this as a poll with lots of openings for write-in candidates.

If MSN is indeed your poison, you can consider including your IDs here too, that I may message and harass you.
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