Just came from looking over a nasty fight on
Godawful Fan Fiction. Name-calling, religious slurs, strawmanning, ad hominem attacks galore. It may have begun a few posts before, but here's what I can make out of it:
There is truth in all things! Especially in the Bible! Noah's Ark was true, you know! Alma Geddon:
The Wizard of Oz is fiction, therefore the Bible is fiction too! Oh, and because I don't agree with you, I shall talk to you as if you were a child! archonix:
Well, it's true in some sense, and here's why I think so. Later, after
a short discussion with Charles RB,
*posts quote from the Gospel of John* Alma Geddon:
*posts "clever" and insulting counter-quote from Eddie Izzard* By now, Alma Geddon is starting to piss people off.
Dragoness Eclectic:
Your attitude is offensive. Here's why. And are you too busy putting down archonix to look at what she wrote? Alma Geddon:
Ooh! You sting! And you're wrong! Wrong! Hah! Because I say so and I Know A Lot! And I can talk to archonix any way I want just because! Shut up! And your god is stupid, too! And I shall pontificate on how stupid you are while proving you wrong! archonix:
It looks to me like you're doing a lot of the things you're accusing us of doing. And if I'm wrong I'll admit it. You're just being rude and offensive. Abatha: (Trying to pour oil upon the waters)
Can't we all just get along? Alma Geddon:
I don't have any agenda! Nope! Not that this has any thing to do with the previous discussion, but I don't have an agenda! And I've always been right and anything you say just proves me right! Nyah, nyah! OMGYOU FLAEMED ME!!11121ONE! U LUUSE!!!!!ONEELEVENTYONE! And everything ends there. Amazing how Alma seems to be so blinded by the OMG!RIGHTNESS!!! of her cause to realise how much she's acting like a jerk. Or wait, maybe the OMG!RIGHTNESS!!! of her cause gives her the right to be a jerk, because it's so OMG!RIGHT!!! that basic civility is unimportant. Either way, she killed any chance that this reader, at least, would be listening to her. Bah. I think I'll go home now.
Oh, and say, if anybody's out there, does any of you have a journelfen account?