Did you read the subject of this post? Go back and read the subject. Ok, you're here? Good. Apparently there is a movie about to come out called "Snakes on a Plane." Apparently it's about some snakes that get loose on a plane.
This guy has also brought it to my attention that it makes an excellent response in any situation that is out of one's control, similar to the phrases, "Cest la vie" or "Shit happens."
I read about "Snakes on a Plane" on Fark a while ago, then promptly forgot about it...until they had a photoshop thread. The theme is "If all films were produced by the people that created the movie "Snakes on a Plane"" and has resulted in some hi-larious 'shops.
Click through to the thread.
The Matrix poster also reminded me of the
The Matrix Bastardization which I don't properly remember if I made anyone read yet. Thank you, that is all.