John-and-Teyla Thing-A-Thon - Posting notes!

Jun 27, 2008 08:37

And we're on the home stretch! (Well, some of us are!)

Works are due anytime between Sunday 29th June until Wednesday 9th July!

As of Sunday, you're free to post your work for the John-and-Teyla Thing-A-Thon! We'd prefer it if you posted your work at the john_teyla_fic community, but a link back to the work at your own LJ is fine.

Things To Ask Yourself Before You Post
1. Has it been beta'd?
2. Is it what my request asked for?
3. Did I fill the prompt? Is the rating level okay? Is the spoiler level okay?
4. Has it been beta'd?

The Subject of your post should include at least the media type, the title, and the rating - everything else is at your own discretion

In your header, you should have:

RECIPIENT: (the person the work was created for)
CHARACTERS/PAIRINGS: John, Teyla, John/Teyla (one would hope!)
WORDCOUNT/FILESIZE: (the filesize is particularly important for anyone who made vids/large graphics)
NOTES: (notes, spoilers, thanks, betas...anything that you feel belongs here)

Formatting Assistance

I know there are a few people who aren't conversant with HTML/LJ-code, so here are some basics:

- how to bold text,
- how to italic text,
- and how to underline text.

To create linked text in an LJ post, the code is:

The text you want to act as the link

which results in this:

the text you want to act as the link.

If you don't know how to create an LJ-cut, the specification is here.

If you'd like to promote the John-And-Teyla Thing-A-Thon, then the LJ-code to make this - john_teyla_fic - is john_teyla_fic - or you can use the "Thingathon2008" tag.


1. Post art beneath a cut.
2. You can post a preview - a thumbnail of your wallpaper or banner, or up to three icons - outside the cut.


1. Have a blank line between each paragraph when posting - it makes for easier reading.
2. Please avoid colouring your font or using fancy font styles. Stick with the basics: bold , italics, and underline.

Music Videos:

1. If you don't have a server to put your video on, contact me! I'll upload it to a server so you can link to it.


1. If you let me know what 'other' media you're doing, then we'll work something out!

Finally, several suggestions to really finishing off this Thing-A-Thon:

  1. Thank the person who filled your request! It may not be to your taste, but they (presumably) put effort into it and tried to fill your request.

  2. Link your f-list to not just your work but the work that was created for you - it would be lovely if you linked more generally to the Thing-A-Thon, too. (use the thingathon2008 tag:

  3. If you find works that you like or admire, recommend them to others. A lot of people make their way around the John&Teyla segment of fandom purely through recommendations, and if they like your work and trust your judgement, chances are, they'll try something they wouldn't otherwise have tried.

  4. Leave comments/feedback on what you do like. It's always lovely to know that people appreciate effort put in!

If you'll be delayed in posting, or if you've got questions/issues that you need addressed, talk to me in the comments.

And thank you all so much for participating this year! Let's get all our stories in and be ready to kick back for the premiere on the 11th July!

check-ins, thingathon2008

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