Fic: "Some People Walk in the Rain, Others Just Get Wet" by live_brave (PG)

Aug 01, 2008 11:16

Pinch hit story for the wonderful John/Teyla Thing-a-thon.

Title: Some People Walk in the Rain, Others Just Get Wet
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, humor, friendship
Prompt: “Deciding to go undercover was their first mistake...” with John in an unusual outfit and Teyla covered in mud. Well, John ends up getting the mud but they both get pretty wet, and I hope that counts for something.
Summary: In which they go undercover, John learns the value of cultural offerings, and Teyla has a laugh at his expense.
Spoilers: None. This takes place in Season 2, sometime between The Tower and Coup d’Etat. Because it always bothered me that they gave up the “Atlantis has been destroyed” ruse so easily. You’d think they would try to spread the rumor around a little…
A/N: Terribly sorry that this wasn't up earlier. This was the fic that refused to be written....It was going to be much longer, but then it became somewhat sprawling and had to be cut down. There was going to be a kidnapping and many adventures, but those will have to wait for another day. :D

“I’m wearing a coat made from a long-haired, buck-toothed donkey? My day gets better and better.”
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