This is a sketch I did of our favorite couple using two of my favorite photos as a guide, one of him and of course the other of her. This style is what I call "shadow art". It's done by setting up the "shot", I put in the outline of hair/style and then in the area of the face I begin to "shadow" in the shaded areas. This softens the features and can usually resist any hard lines to distinguish...... unfortunately the sketch didn't translate well over my scanner and I had to go back in to try to define hair and face shapes, etc with hard lines which I shouldn't have had to do, hence the shadow drawing technique. I use a variety of sketching methods.. straight portrait, "clean art" with little to no shadowing of the features, "shadow art" which is actually using the shadowing to accomplish the piece... anyway...
I'm not sure if this is the correct way of posting artwork since I've never posted art pieces to an LJ forum. You'll have to let me know if it's here or not.