Photos of War, pt IV

Feb 18, 2008 06:14

For a little while, I started taking pictures while I was in Iraq.

I was a Combat Medic, assigned to the 28th CSH, in Ibn Sina Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq.
Colloquially, "Baghdad ER." One day, I walked to Saddam's old palace. I ran out of camera battery just as I got there.

But here's a few hints of the walk.

Here's the ones that seemed to most resonate for me.

Where I slept prior to going home, with a bunch of other soldiers, seen through the doorway of the tent.

The Iraqi/Foreign Nationals's morgue, below. I call it "Iraqi Home."

Down the alley past the morgue.

The other direction; you can see the other morgue, and more.

The Allied Forces' morgue, below. I call it "Soldier's Home."


Smoking point.

The area between the gate and the hospital. The 'hall'.

Sick call.

Opening to the hospital.

The directory for our service.

The history of the name "Ibn Sina" - if needed, I can show a clearer bigger one, lemme know if you care.

A picture of The Man, The Myth, The Legend.

Guards, American and Iraqi, on our way out.

I call this one "Trust". Heh. The Iraqis being searched.

Identification checks. We all did this duty. I have stories, lemme tell ya.

The first breath of air outside of the hospital compound.

The long walk ahead. "Foreboding" I call it - the roads are broken from mortars. Anyone know of the Sarajevo Roses? We need them.

The way back in, for the wounded.

"Kid on Bicycle". Local boy.

"I'm Not Buying". He's selling. (bootleg dvds, coin collections, etc.)

The Palace.

I also took this one. Me.

iraq, photography, me

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