"You have got to be fucking shitting me," John said, staring in disbelief.
Jean-Paul grinned. "No, cher, I am not. This is what needs to be done."
"This is what you chose for us? For our date night? This? I took us to a nice hotel-"
"-with a caveman theme," JP muttered under his breath.
"-that was romantic and hot and all that stuff," John continued, as if never hearing Jean-Paul. And the theme wasn't his fault and Jean-Paul knew that. Anyway. "And with really great sex. And you bring me here?"
"Yes!" Jean-Paul said triumphantly.
John stared out before him. Stared out beyond the red painted picket fence and out into the rows and rows of green spruce trees.
A Christmas Tree Farm. With, like, tones of Christmas trees sprouting out of the ground. And a lot of people walking around looking at them. It was starting to get dark, so there were big bright lights shining down on them, like some sort of derange baseball field or something. Field of Christmas Tree Dreams or some shit like that.
"We don't have to cut them down ourselves, do we?" John asked doubtfully.
Jean-Paul rolled his eyes. "As if I would do that..." He eyed John up. "Although, if you want to be manly..."
John said flatly, "No. I'm more likely to set them all on fire."
"Joooooohn," Jean-Paul said, pouting. "I sat on a bus with you all the way out here for this!" Jean-Paul protested. He hated slow forms of travel. "Tabernac de chrisse we are picking out a lovely tree for our home and it will be fun and you will like it and then on Sunday the three of us will decorate it and so stop complaining, do you hear me? This is what people do at Christmas time and you are getting your normal and real Christmas so stop mocking my plans for date night!"
Jean-Paul took a deep breath and pouted some more.
John blinked. "Weeeell then," he said slowly. "When you put it that way. Let's go pick out a tree."
Instantly, a wide, brilliant smile stretched out across Jean-Paul's face. Jean-Paul clapped his (expensively gloved) hands together, and took one of John's warm hands into his own. He tugged on his arm, meeting slight resistance, but just tugged harder. "Let's go!" Jean-Paul said enthusiastically.
Forty five minutes, twenty three 'hell no's, fifteen 'maybe's, four 'yes's, three 'hell yes!'s, and one 'THIS IS IT', and three attempts by the Christmas Tree farmer with an axe, later... Jean-Paul and John were standing outside the red painted picket fence with a tree propped up beside them.
"It's gorgeous!" Jean-Paul exclaimed. There was a dark edge around his enthusiasm, but it could just be because he was trying hard to ignore the three snits he and John had gotten into over the tree. By John's count, they only scared four customers away. One of them being a child, but at least JP and John had the decency to look abashed and that put an end to the snits. They had them through the razor edged, though falsely pleasant, words they exchanged.
They both sighed tired sighs as they looked at their tree.
"It is pretty nice," John conceded as he looked at it.
JP opened his mouth, then snapped it up. "Yes, it is," he said, sounding genuinely happy for the first time in half an hour. "It'll look great when we get it up and decorated."
"Yes, it will," John agreed. Though, John tried to push the image of the three of them sitting around the tree on Sunday; John and JP fighting about what damn bulb went where while Doug tired to cheer them up with, like, stringing lights all over himself or something. If they were lucky, it'd go much better then this gong show.
"So..." John said, and then frowned.
"What?" Jean-Paul asked, exasperated.
John looked at Jean-Paul, then the tree, then back to Jean-Paul again. "That's not fitting on no damn fucking bus."
"... Huh?"
John grinned a mischievous grin. "I can strap it to your back - like you were a car! - and you could fly it home." He paused. "Then come back and pick me up because I don't want to take the fucking bus either."
John might have been more upset with being tackled to the ground if he hadn't been laughing so hard at the indignant look on Jean-Paul's face first.
Muse: John "Pyro" Allerdyce
Fandom: X-Men
Gift recipient: Jean-Paul Beaubier/
tm_northstar. (used with permission although, hahaha, mun had no idea what I was writing. *mwah*)
Prompt: 2.2.b (Place - Christmas Tree Farm)
Notes: IC comments