Week 9. English Lit. Shakespeare.

May 04, 2009 09:20

So, once again I've left it a little late, but I figure I'll post tomorrow and be back on schedule.

As for week 9.
MG suggested writing about our own moments in Darma, the roles we've played and that sort of thing. It's a good idea, but I myself have done little drama. With the exception of being forced to do it for Lit assessments I haven't done any. So, perhaps I'll have to make it up.

A slight tremor passed through my body. Was it excitement or fear? Rubbing sweaty hands together left the answer clear. Fear it was! Swallowing a few times helped calm me, though my mouth tasted odd. Like flour that's been left damp for a few days.
I can't remember my cue... It's supposed to be "Where is Devlin" or "What's the matter with him?" one happens now, well soon, and the other is in act 2. Thank goodness I'm only a minor character, three lines and a 'shocked' reaction are all I have to do. Just that, easy as. So why am I nervous? Seriously, man up! It's not like anyone watching will remember the performance of 'Organ grinder 3' for very long. It's not an important part, that's why you volunteered remember! easy role, no problems... Wait, what did he just say? oh crap did I miss my cue??? No, that's right, dramatic pause. Not yet, take it easy.
You've done this sort of thing before, no need to be afeared, just three lines. No problems... "I'll do so immediately sir.", "A penny fer ya toughts? or maybe somethin' for the music?" and "He looks like 'is in luv sir. tricky business being in love sir." just say them a few times. No problems, a few deep breaths and I'm ready.
Straighten your hat, coast straight... stop sighing, breath normally, in and out, in and out. That's my cue!

How can anyone forget so much so fast without suffering a serious blow to the head?
Stood on the wrong mark, stammered the wrong line from the wrong scene, dropped my prop and stood looking like a right fool.
Well... could have been worse, I got plenty of laughs... would have been nice if I was meant to. well, that's drama for you.
Next time a none speaking part, something like 'mutey the mailman'. That's stupid after tomorrows performance (if they still want me in the play) I'm giving up drama. There is always lion taming, Taxi driver or professional writer, those are similar enough to acting.
Hands aren't sweaty anymore... stupid play anyway, what kind of a play has three organ grinders!


Well that was a giggle, If anyone knows of a real play with three organ grinders I'd love to read it :)

This weeks Comment is on Nancy's LJ and her thoughts on the Tempests many 'illusions': http://nancy-m.livejournal.com/21355.html?view=32363#t32363
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