Torchwood/Doctor Who - fic - The Torchwood Girls, part 6, Jack, Joan Redfern, OCs, PG

Oct 11, 2007 10:34

Title - The Torchwood Girls
Author - laurab1
Characters/Pairings - Jack, Joan Redfern, OCs
Rating - PG (some dark elements towards the end)
Length - 1182 words
Spoilers - TW: general series 1 (and a S2 spoiler for Jack's past), DW: 1.9-13, 2.2, 3.8/9 and 3.11-13
Summary - Before all these girls come to the Hub, back in Cardiff, he has to explain Retcon to Joan.
Disclaimer: alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Whistle, Jack/Rose, rated 15/R (in the past of this 'verse)

"The dashes means it’s from Metazonica. That’s their writing system. I want you to work on it. Press its buttons, hold it in your hands, run your fingers over it. Learn its shape and tell me what it does, Joan."

joan redfern, fanfic

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