Torchwood/Doctor Who - fic - The Torchwood Girls, part 3, Joan Redfern, Nine/Rose/Jack, PG

Oct 02, 2007 01:58

Title - The Torchwood Girls
Author - laurab1
Characters/Pairings - Jack, Joan Redfern, OCs, Nine/Rose/Jack
Rating - PG
Length - 1302 words
Spoilers - TW: general series, DW: 1.9-13, 2.2, 3.8/9 and 3.11-13
Summary - In Jack's office, reading document after document, she signs her life over to Torchwood.
Disclaimer: alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Part 1
Part 2

November the 13th, in what is basically a cave, Joan meets the rest of Jack's men. Men who next summer may not still be alive.

joan redfern, fanfic

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