The Death March - EPILOGUE

Jun 11, 2008 11:22

Title: The Death March
Previously: Prologue | One | Two | Three| Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-One | Twenty-Two | Twenty - Three | Twenty - Four
Prompt: theatrical_muse #226 - Name three things that you're looking forward to in the near future and why.
Note: And, FINALLY, The Death March comes to an end. There were a number of muns who were directly involved in the plot, or who stopped by for guest appearances, and to you I am so very grateful for your time and collaboration on helping me with this. (You all know who you are, and I've made notes with each part posted, and I've thanked you a million times over, I'm sure.) Also, thanks to all those who may have followed along, and I do hope you enjoyed my Mega Plot Of Dooooom here. *collapses and is done with mega-plottings... for now* :D

Takes place a couple hours after John wakes up in the hospital, fully healed...

I have a future. I really do. I spent the last couple months trying not to think ahead, just in case. Just in case the worst happens.

I did the ritual for the cure on the weekend. On Genosha. Because of Mike. But, I don't know. It didn't work right away or something? It was really close, there. I've been really sick for a couple days. Like, hospitalized sick.

But. Well. It worked. The Death March is over.

I'm cured. I'm healed. I'm not dying anymore. Not immediately, anyway.

(I have a lot of people to thank for that. But, they know who they are, and I don't know if I could thank them anymore then I already have. But, I'll try. I'll try to make it up to you.)

But, to start. The future, which I now have, is something I have to focus on.

These are the three things I look forward to in the near future:

One: Doug - My best friend, my lover, my partner. Babe, we've been through so much shit, and I don't mean just the last couple days or months, either. I mean the politics, and shootings, and murder set-ups, and jail, and prison break outs, and living as fugitives, and a break up, and getting back together, and even Death. I think we deserve to just... lay back, calm down, settle and be domestic and normal and all that shit.

So, how about it? Want to move in together? Let's buy a house.

Two: Freelancing: For the first time in my adult life, I don't belong to a superpower team. I don't have to answer to anyone. (I'm not saying that I didn't like that, when I was a part of it, mind, because at the time, I did. It just... I don't have that anymore.) The only person I have to answer to is, well. Me. It's so fucking weird. But I'm not someone who can just sit around and do nothing, not help in any way, you know? So, what to do?

JP - I think we should totally work on that project we talked about. I want to do that. I really do. Up for being business partners? (God. We're going to end up killing each other, aren't we?) Terry - I want to be involved with the Health Center. In some way other then throwing money at it. And it doesn't have to be paid, I'll do a volunteer thing or whatever. Just keep me in mind and let me know what to do and how I can help. Mike -Genosha. If you can think of something that I can do there, to help out, let me know. I owe you. I owe you big.

Three: Friends - And spending more time with them. I shouldn't have let something like dying make me realize I want to spend more time with them, focus on them more. I mean, I tried before, and I guess this sort of relates to #2, but I have the time now and so I'm going to. I'm going to learn how to better juggle my personal and my professional life.

So. Um. Yeah.

It's over.

And so life finally begins for John Allerdyce.

[comm] theatrical_muse, [plot] the death march

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