Mutants are losing.
I hate admitting that, but it's true. Which means that everybody else - the humans, the homo sapiens - are winning.
But that's why I chose to fight. Why I'm with the underdog team that no one thinks has a chance at winning, that no one wants to see win. Because, when we win? That means they lose
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Slayers fight from the time they can. I've met an eleven year old who was out fighting. It makes me sick.
If I were a grown-up I wouldn't have let sixteen year old you fight either. I would have protected you until I couldn't anymore, until you really WERE a man. I would have told you to stay on the fucking plane, too. Sixteen is too young. Sixteen and you're still a baby - or you should be. I think.
When did you become a slayer, Kara? Was it when you were sixteen too, or younger? Did you have to grow up too fast? I don't know your slayer story.
I don't think it was.
I was thirteen, though I didn't understand what that meant till I was fourteen or so. Either way - I'd grown up some before then, and I'm still a kid now.
I don't quite get how the slayer thing works I've asked before and you ignored it, but. I don't know. Sounds pretty rough. I don't feel like a kid anymore, but it's cool you feel that way.
It wasn't good or right or whatever.
I don't know how to explain it to you.
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