Deadly Sins Meme - snagged from tm_northstar

Sep 05, 2007 22:59

Huh. Not as bad as I thought it would be. They obviously aren't asking the right questions.

1. What have you done that makes you proud? Being a part of the Brotherhood and what I'm trying to do for mutant-kind.
2. Have you won any awards? No.
3. Do you tend to brag about your achievements? No.
4. Do you do well in school? Not so much.
5. Do you think you are better than everyone else? Than homo sapiens, yeah.
6. Has someone ever told you that you are full of yourself? Yeah.
7. Do you tend to be an overachiever? Hmmm, don't think so.
8. Can you do most things very well? Not most things, but what I do well I do really well.
9. When someone else does something well, do you try and do better than them? If it's something I want to do well, guess I do.
10. Do you think out of all the sins, you are PRIDE? I think my feelings about being a mutant and part of the Brotherhood make this a Fuck Yeah.

1. Have you ever led a guy on? Not intentionally.
2. Are you a flirt? When I want to be.
3. Do you constantly crave sex? With one very specific person, yes.
4. Do you believe in lust at first sight? No.
5. Would you prefer to fall in lust or love?
6. True or false: you've never had a serious relationship? False.
7. Another true or false: you've told someone you love them & not meant it? False. I've only said it to one person, and I meant it. Still do.
8. Have you ever been called a whore? Not in such terms, no.
9. Do you think you are beautiful? Beautiful? Wouldn't say that. Hot, maybe.
10. Do you think out of all the sins, you are LUST? I am Specifically Lustful.

1. Have you ever been really drunk? Yes, but only once. Well, once and a half times.
2. How many alcoholic beverages do you have in a day? I rarely have an alcoholic beverage, and my limit is usually one when I do.
3. Do you not care that you're eating all this food when there are starving kids? Yes, I care. What? Does that shock you? It's part of my "don't eat beef" thing.
4. As a kid, did you ever share your lunch with other people? Don't remember. Probably not.
5. True or false: you don't care how much it costs, if it's good you'll eat it? Depends on what it is.
6. Do you pig out when you're bored? No.
7. Do you eat way too much? No. I've been recently told I don't eat enough.
8. Do you have a lot of food at home right now? Not sure.
9. Are you overweight? No.
10. Do you feel out of all the sins, you are GLUTTONY? No.

1. Do you always ask your parents and friends for money? No.
2. How often do you go to the mall in a week? Almost never go.
3. Do you have a constant need to get new things? No.
4. Have you ever borrowed something from a friend and never given it back? Not recently, that I can think of.
5. If you won $100,000, would you give it to charity or keep it to yourself? Donate it to the Brotherhood resources or some other pro-mutant organization.
6. True or false: you've been called greedy? No.
7. When you see a hobo on the street, do you give him food or money? Yes, if it's a) a mutant and b) one of the ones who honestly needs it (I'm getting good at telling.)
8. Do you only like shopping for yourself? Meh. Not a fan of shopping in general.
9. Do you know that you're greedy, but you don't care? Don't think I am.
10. Do you feel that out of all the sins, you are GREED? No.

1. Do you feel like your laziness gets in the way of your dreams? No.
2. Do you prefer staying home than going out? Home but it's more for safety reasons.
3. How many hours a day are you inside? Depends.
4. Do you hardly ever hang out with friends? I hang out with the Brotherhood pretty much constantly. But I don't live near my other friends so I don't actually see them often.
5. Have you ever been depressed? No.
6. True or false: you've been called lazy? Only when Toad's being an asshole.
7. Have you ever stayed home from school because you were too lazy to go? No. There were other reasons I didn't make it to school.
8. Another true or false: ambitious is not a word to describe you? False.
9. Do you prefer to have things done for you? No.
10. Do you feel out of all the sins, you are SLOTH? No.

1. When you are angry, what do you do? Scowl. Get pissy. Set things on fire.
2. What makes you angry? Lots does.
3. Who makes you angry? Lots of people.
4. Have you ever cried out of anger? No.
5. Do you insult people a lot? Not always intentionally but it seems to come off that way. And sometimes intentionally, yes.
6. Have you ever gotten revenge? Yes.
7. What's the meanest thing you've done? Pretty sure that whole "setting stuff/people on fire" thing would be it.
8. Can you be a bitch? Bitch? No. Asshole? Yes.
9. True or false: someone has said you are really rude? True.
10. Do you feel out of all the sins, you are WRATH? Yeah.

1. Do you have low self esteem? No.
2. Are you jealous of anyone? Yes. No.
3. If yes, who?
4. What movie do you wish you could live in? No clue. Don't really have one.
5. Are you happy with your life? Mostly but not perfectly.
6. Do you get jealous when people have more things than you? No.
7. Are you happy with your body or jealous of others? THis question annoys me. I like it just fine.
8. What award do you wish you could win? Don't really care if I win one.
9. If you could be someone for one day, who would you be? Don't want to be anyone else.
10. Do you feel out of all the sins, you are ENVY? Not at all.
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