"What do you do?"
"For a living, or for fun?"
"Either one."
"... Nothing."
Well, it's been a long time since that fateful New Year's Eve at Imrie, and plenty of things have happened in the span between then and now. Unfortunately, one very important thing has NOT happened since then: I have not managed to figure out what I want to do with my life,
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First of all, I definitely empathize with a lot of this. I spent most of a year realizing that every single job I was applying to had some aspect to it that sounded completely unappealing, and I spent most of college realizing that my major was not a workable career and having no clue what I might actually want to do. I'm hoping that's mostly behind me, with this recent position, but it's still all close enough to home that I sympathize. I hope that eventually, everything ends up working out in a way that's better than you expected it could be.
On another mentioned subject, doing creative things is definitely something I've used in the past for similar reasons of wanting to feel less sedentary. I've actually got several lists of things lying around of things I want to do/could do/might want to try doing to see how I like. (Well, I have lists of a LOT of things. In fact, making lists of things was probably on one of those lists.) Hell, if you need some ideas and/or want a find-creative-and/or-productive-things-to partner, I have lots of ideas (in lists!) and there are also many things I'd love to get into/back into that syncing up with someone else would be really helpful for. (Examples: learning foreign languages, elaborate cooking projects, writing/coding interactive fiction games, making/coming up with button ideas once I have a button machine, making a webcomic... did I mention how I make lists?)
Also, I had a thought that may or may not actually be helpful, but just figured I'd throw out there. (Probably not as much in the short term certainly, but maybe in general?) It's a difficult field to get into, but easier in Boston than the comics industry, but from what I know of you I actually think you'd make a pretty damn good video game QA person.
And, posted!
I am amused by your lists that may or may not include making lists. The other things sound interesting as well. Had I known you desired a button maker, I would have tracked down the pieces from the one I had in the old days. I used to wear baseball caps COVERED with buttons that I collected whenever I'd go to punk/ska/rock/etc shows (sadly, the button maker I had didn't make the small ones that bands typically use.) We will have to discuss these ideas further, probably in person.
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