Aug 02, 2015 20:46
Hey, everyone! Long time no see. :)
I'm starting an Atlantis re-watch tomorrow. In honour of that, I'd like you guys to rec me some of your favourite John/Elizabeth fics. Sure, I've got my own bookmarks, but you never know what I might have missed, accidentally deleted, the link is broken, or I just somehow didn't read the first time around. From short, sweet, and fluffy, to long, plotty, and angsty, show me what you've got!
If you could please provide a link, rating, season the story takes place in, and approximate word length, that'd be most helpful. :)
Thanks in advance to anyone who shares, and may you all join me in re-living the supreme awesomeness that was John/Elizabeth and the absolutely amazing writers we had in this corner of the the fandom. I haven't found one to top it yet.
fan fiction