Nov 07, 2004 16:18
I’ve not been myself this past week. And for that I apologize to all my friends. I’m not going to go on about the elections. I don’t think I can. I’ll give myself a heart attack. I just don’t want to think about it anymore. A friend that I worry about more than I should really reminded me that I needed to keep on about it in whatever ways I can. She’s not American, but she understands the importance of it all. She quoted Martin Luther King Jr. to me in what seemed like a very Chris in the Morning moment.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Actions speak louder than words, and her actions are speaking volumes lately. I know what matters to her; I just hope she can find it without getting hurt. Just know darlin’ that should you find yourself in a place where you just need someone to talk to about any of it…I’m here for you - I’m actually quite good at it - ask Mira. I should do this professionally.
I’m planning on going to Hawaii for a little bit soon. Having a little vacation away from everything with my dear friend Sarah. I think we both really need it. Aidan and Carrie running off together to escape our mutually discontented realities - it almost makes sense. She’s going a bit farther though. All the way down under to visit another friend. An icon really, and his really cute wife who has been strangely absent lately. Then there is another girl in Australia I thought I could have visited with, but I think she’s gone. Oh well. At least I know I’m going to Hawaii.